Healthcare Access and Quality
County-level data and information about the Assessed Health Issue and Social Determinants of Health indicators can be found in the report appendices.

Many people in the United States don’t get the health care services they need. Healthy People 2030 focuses on improving health by helping people get timely, high-quality health care services. About 1 in 5 adults in the OHC Region don’t have health insurance. Strategies to increase insurance coverage rates are critical for making sure more people get important health care services, like preventive care and treatment for chronic illnesses. Sometimes people don’t get recommended health care services, like cancer screenings, because they don’t have a primary care provider. Other times, it’s because they live too far away from health care providers who offer screening services. These are sometimes called Health Professional Shortage Areas (HPSAs). More than 40% of the OHC Region’s residents live in a HPSA. Interventions to increase access to health care professionals and improve communication — in person or remotely — can help more people get the care they need.